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Otwarte wykłady gościa z Łotwy

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Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Greinert, prof. UZ, prodziekan Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska, prodziekan d/s nauki w ramach programu Erasmus Plus serdecznie zaprasza studentów i pracowników UZ oraz wszystkich zainteresowanych na otwarte wykłady, prowadzone przez Pana Ivars'a Matisovs'a z RĒZEKNES AUGSTSKOLA na Łotwie.


Wykłady odbędą się w :


we wtorek  06.05.2014  – w godz.11.30-13.00  zatytułowany: Brownfields: problems and solutions,  natomiast

w godz.15.00-16.30    Poland and Latvia – similarities and differences.

Oba wykłady odbędą się na kampusie A  w budynku A12,  w sali nr  4; 

 w środę  07.05.2014  – w godz. 13.30-15.00 zatytułowany:  Urban Landscape Quality Assessment, natomiast 

w godz.15.00-16.30 Ecological Expedition as Effective Form of Environmental Research and Ecological Education.

Oba wykłady odbędą się na kampusie A  w budynku A12,  w sali nr 105.


Brownfields: problems and solutions

Abstract. The lecture deals with different aspects of degraded territories (brownfields) issues (terminology, classification, problems), provide examples from brownfields in Latvia, describe possible solutions of this problem. Characterize brownfields redevelopment as a stimulus to planning and development of urban territories.

Poland and Latvia – similarities and differences

Abstract. The lecture provides comparative characterization of two Baltic Sea Region states that include various aspects: geographical position, natural environment and landscape, history, culture, demography, ethnic structure, economics e.t.c. 

Urban Landscape Quality Assessment
Landscape Transformation Process

Abstract. Lecture provides with significance of landscape quality assessment and introduce with practical methods, also show facilities of integrated assessment of  urban  landscape quality. Complex character of urban landscape stressed equally impressive factors that includes visual aesthetic, ecological and cultural historical aspects. Lecture provides information about specifics of urban landscape and factors,  that have influence on landscape quality. Significant indicators of urban landscape transformation are changes of population and another demographic parameters in urban areas, changes of land use structure, urban environmental quality, dynamics of urban transportation system and volume of construction works. Urban landscape play essential role in making of place image and in consolidation of local identity. Lecture show urban landscape individualities and transformation of urban landscape structure and quality in the cities and towns of Latgale (Eastern Latvia) region on change of 20-21 centuries, in period from 1990 to 2013. Possible also practical training for introduce students with landscape assessment methods in real study area.

Ecological Expedition as Effective Form of Environmental Research and Ecological Education
Experience of Rēzeknes Augstskola

Abstract. The lecture deals with ecological expedition as effective form of environmental research and ecological education. Since 1997 Rēzeknes Augstskola organizes ecological expeditions for study program „Environmental engineering” students in the Eastern Latvia region. Since 2007 took place also geographical expeditions for study program “Teacher of geography and social sciences” students. Students realize integrated assessment of environment quality with different methods. Presentation show main goals and tasks of this expeditions and summarize experience of period 1997-2013.

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