Uniwersytet Zielonogórski
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Zielonogórscy socjolodzy liderami międzynarodowego projektu badawczo-edukacyjnego

16 maja 2022 r.


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W środę, 18 maja w auli rektoratu UZ przy ul. Licealnej 9 rozpocznie się organizowana przez Instytut Socjologii UZ konferencja międzynarodowa „Cross-Border and Mobile Research and Education”, która zapoczątkuje cykl spotkań związanych z projektem „Social Education on the Move” (SoMoveED).

Instytut Socjologii jest liderem międzynarodowego konsorcjum, w którego skład wchodzi osiem uniwersytetów z takich krajów jak: Portugalia, Francja, Czechy, Wielka Brytania, Turcja, Włochy a także organizacje pozarządowe i firmy edukacyjne z Chorwacji, Rumunii i Holandii. Celem projektu jest opracowanie i upowszechnienie nowego modelu edukacji społecznej w szkolnictwie wyższym. Projekt jest finansowany ze środków programu Erasmus Plus w ramach konkursu „Partnerstwa Strategiczne”.

Koordynatorami projektu są dr Dorota Bazuń i dr hab. Mariusz Kwiatkowski, prof. UZ.




Cross-Border and Mobile Research and Education





•          9.30 – 10.00 OPENING SESSION

                   (Rectorate, ul. Licealna 9)

Rector UZ / Director IS UZ

o          Welcoming guests, opening of the conference

Dorota Bazuń (UZ)

o          Mobile education in a mobile world



•          10.00 – 11.15 PLENARY SESSION I

Cross-Border Research and Education

Anna Mielczarek-Żejmo (UZ)

o          Cross-border research and refugee crisis


Agnieszka Halemba (University of Potsdam)

Life on the border - cross-border relations between the inhabitants of the Polish-German borderland.

Kira Kosnik (European University Viadrina)


•          The difficulties to integrate refugee scholars

Nadja Matešić (IKS Petrinja, Croatia)

o          Cross-border education in the local crisis-hit community


•          11.15 – 11.45 Coffee break


•          11.45 – 13.15 PLENARY SESSION II

Mobile Research and Education


Alastair N. Roy (University of Central Lancashire)

o          Learning Through Movement: Reflections on Mobile Research Practice

Zbigniew Adaszyński (UZ)

o          TO or FROM: the class experience

Mariusz Kwiatkowski (UZ)

o          Mobile education in transformative perspective



•          13.15 – 14.15



Joanna Frątczak-Műller (UZ)

1.         CARING FARMS - empowering aging villagers

The CARING FARMS session aims to involve the participants in discussing the quality of life of aging villagers. A caring farm is a form of farming that combines agricultural activity with caring for people in need of support. It is a particular type of social farming, an essential element of which is farm resources to carry out therapeutic, caring and integration activities. The main criteria for its evaluation are access to care, services and social contacts. I put forward the thesis that caring farms are the right tool for solving the problem of loneliness of aging villagers and the lack of access to social services in rural areas. They are also an important factor in increasing the physical and intellectual health of seniors, thus delaying their placement in nursing homes. I invite you for a short walk to the Regional Center for Social Policy (15 min), which runs the only project to create caring farms in Poland. While there, we will visit one of these farms remotely and discuss the empowerment of aging villagers. I am curious about your experiences and opinions. The maximum number of participants is 10 people.


Dorota Kowalska (IS UZ), Aneta Krawczyk (IS UZ)




Jerzy Leszkowicz-Baczyński (UZ)

2.         CULTURAL QUARTERS - opportunity for inhabitants

The aim of the session is, on the one hand, to present the assumptions of the cultural districts as a new version of urban policy, implemented in many cities of the world. On the other hand, it will be important to show the potential of Zielona Góra as a city rich in pre-war wine monuments. The impulse for such a presentation is the fact that the development (revitalisation) of suburban vineyards, which has been taking place since the beginning of this century, has not been accompanied by a parallel process of reconstruction of vineyard monuments: houses of vineyard owners, remains of the industrial infrastructure connected with wine production and urban wine cellars, the number of which reaches several dozen. Meanwhile, these objects may serve to create a new image of the city and strengthen the opportunity to enhance local cultural tourism. An example of beneficial initiatives will be a visit to one of the places in the city centre, where it is soon planned to use it for catering and cultural activities.

Justyna Nyćkowiak, Tomasz Kołodziej (UZ)

3.         MOBILE EVALUATION of the effects of revitalization

The aim of the MOBILE EVALUATION session is to show how the use of new technologies changes the perception of physical objects in the revitalized urban space. We will evaluate (1) the usefulness of the objects on the basis of their photos in an online survey, then (2) you will be able to see the same objects in the revitalized space and (3) re-evaluate them. We will try to determine whether our ideas based on photos of objects are confirmed in contact with the same objects located in a real, revitalized space. We argue that 1) the use of only virtual materials in the process of space revitalization, in isolation from the broader context, can significantly change our perspective and assessment of the attractiveness or usefulness of objects; 2) the assessment of the usefulness of objects on the basis of their visual projections, without knowing the context of their future use, is an inappropriate way of making decisions about revitalization. Maximum number of participants: 10 people.


Krystian Kulak (IS UZ), Kamil Bednarek (IS UZ)


Magdalena Pokrzyńska, Artur Kinal (UZ)



4.         WINE-DIPPED CITY – Zielona Góra

The aim of the walk is to explore the Bacchic and wine-related heritage of Zielona Góra in its visual aspects in public space. We will walk around the streets of the old city district to discover all kinds of wine-related places, sculptures, and embellishments, old and new. This revitalised heritage and re-invented tradition has become an important part of local identity, and has been perpetuated by the actions of local authorities and inhabitants alike.

The visual presence of the abovementioned heritage in public spaces took many different forms: institutional, architectural, landscape-related, sculptural, ornamental, graffiti, and symbolic. Along our route, we will try to cover it all.


Konrad Piątek (IS UZ)



Dorota Bazuń, Mariusz Kwiatkowski (UZ)

5.         U-EMPOWER – empowering Ukrainian refugees

The aim of the U-EMPOWER session is to involve participants in the process of searching for the best practices of solidarity with refugees. The organizers will present arguments for the following theses: 1. The main criterion for assessing the functionality of solidarity practices should be the relationship between the host and guest community; 2. Seen from this perspective, practices that lead to refugee empowerment should be considered beneficial. 3. The activity of the Neighbourhood House in Zielona Góra is a good example of the postulated practices. It is a centre that provides support to refugees in an innovative way, thanks to the cooperation of the Catholic parish, civic organizations, volunteers, artists and social researchers. We invite you for a short walk to the Neighbourhood House (10 minutes), where we will present the U-EMPOWER project and propose a discussion on the empowerment of refugees. We are curious about your experiences and opinions. Maximum number of participants: 15 people.


Aneta Mądra (IS UZ) Róża Armanowska (IS UZ)


14.30 -15.30 Lunch


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